Chapter 1, Using GPIB
Factory Set Address
The Test Set’s GPIB address is set to decimal 14 at the factory. The address can be
changed by following the instructions in
“Setting the Test Set’s Bus Address” on page
Extended Addressing
Extended addressing (secondary command) capability is not implemented in the Test
Multiple Addressing
Multiple addressing capability is not implemented in the Test Set.
Setting the Test Set’s Bus Address
The Test Set’s GPIB bus address is set using the HP-IB Adrs field which is located
on the I/O CONFIGURE screen. To set the GPIB bus address; select the I/O
CONFIGURE screen and position the cursor next to the
HP-IB Adrs field. The
address can be set from decimal 0 to 30 using the numeric DATA keys, or by pushing
and then rotating the Cursor Control knob. There are no DIP switches for setting the
GPIB bus address in the Test Set. The new setting is retained when the Test Set is
turned off.
Displaying the Bus Address
The Test Set’s GPIB bus address can be displayed by pressing and releasing the
SHIFT key, then the LOCAL key. The address is displayed in the upper left-hand
corner of the display screen.