I/O Configure
HP-IB command syntax diagram, 117
avoiding program hangs, 40
command line, 356
Controller, 26, 28, 29, 44
Controller - default mass storage loca-
tion, 331
Controller - interfacing to using serial
ports, 360
Controller architecture, 28, 29
Controller screen, 355
COPY command, 347
copying files, 347
default file system, 324
EDIT mode - entering/exiting, 383
error messages, 539
GET command, 338
INITIALIZE command, 338, 345, 350,
initializing media, 338
language, 28
LOAD command, 338
making a simple measurement, 46
Mass Storage Volume Specifier (MSI),
MSI, 345
passing control back using PASS CON-
TROL, 316
program development (see Program
Development), 357
requesting HP-IB active control, 317
running programs, 38
SAVE command, 338
selecting mass storage devices, 332
STORE command, 338
storing files, 338
IEEE 488.1
compliance, 47, 48
Interface Function Capabilities, 48
Passing Control (see Passing Control),
Remote Interface Message Capabili-
ties, 50
SRQ (see Service Requests), 293
IEEE 488.2
Common Commands, 208
Common Commands ESE, 261
Common Commands ESE?, 260
Common Commands ESR?, 258
Common Commands PCB, 315
Common Commands RST, 201
Common Commands SRE, 296
Common Commands SRE?, 296
Common Commands STB?, 244
Common Commands TRG, 224
Common CommandsRST, 308
compliance, 47, 48
Output Queue, 262
Overlapped commands, 70
Sequential commands, 70
Standard Event Status Register, 256
Status Byte Register, 241
Increasing measurement speed, 234
autoranging, 234
autotuning, 234
combining ENTER statements, 238
combining OUTPUT statements, 237
compound commands, 237
measurement setup time, 236
speed of control program, 237
instrument function
querying ON/OFF state, 88
turning ON and OFF, 87
Instrument Initialization, 303
Device Clear (DCL) HP-IB Bus Com-
mand, 311
Front panel PRESET key, 306
Interface Clear (IFC) HP-IB Bus Com-
mand, 312
methods of, 304
power on reset, 304
RST Common Command, 308
Selected Device Clear (SDC) HP-IB
Bus Command, 312
Integer Number Setting
HP-IB command syntax diagram, 174
Internal Automatic Control Mode, 28, 31
front panel, 47