standard event status register query,
ESR?, 220
HP-IB command syntax diagram, 168,
status byte query, *STB?, 221
Status Byte Register, 241
bit assignments, 243, 294
clearing, 245
reading with serial poll, 244
reading with STB Common Command,
writing, 245
Status reporting, 239
Calibration Status Register Group (see
Calibration StatusRegister Group),
Call Processing Status Register Group,
clearing the Status Byte Register, 245
Communicate Status Register Group
(see Communicate StatusRegister
Group), 289
Condition register definition, 247
Enable register definition, 248
Error Message Queue Group (see Error
Message Queue Group), 264
Event register definition, 248
Hardware Status Register #1 Group
(see Hardware StatusRegister #1
Group), 284
Hardware Status Register #2 Group
(see Hardware StatusRegister #2
Group), 280
Operation Status Register Group (see
Operation StatusRegister Group),
Output Queue Group (see Output
Queue Group), 262
Questionable Data/Signal Register
Group (see QuestionableData/Sig-
nal Register Group), 266
reading Status Byte Register with serial
poll, 244
reading Status Byte Register with STB
CommonCommand, 244
Standard Event Status Register Group
(see Standard EventStatus Register
Group), 256
Status Byte Register, 241
status queue model, 250
status register model, 247
status register structure overview, 245
status registers in Test Set, 251
status reporting structure operation,
structure overview, 239
Summary Message definition, 248
Transition filter definition, 247
writing the Status Byte Register, 245
Storing code files, 338
System Controller, 314
system parameter overhead word 2 mes-
sage, 489
Terminal Configuration, 372
Test Set
Attribute units - changing, 83
Attribute units - definition, 81
Attribute units - guidelines, 86
Attribute units - querying, 86
default file system, 324
display units - changing, 76
display units - definition, 75
display units - guidelines, 77
display units - querying, 77
file name conflicts, 336
file system, 334
file types, 338
HP-IB units - changing, 79
HP-IB units - definition, 78
HP-IB units - guidelines, 80
HP-IB units - querying, 80
IEEE 488.1 Interface Function Capa-
bilities, 48
IEEE 488.1 Remote Interface Message
Capabilities, 50
initializing (see Instrument Initializa-
tion), 303
instruments contained in, 27
interfacing to using serial ports, 360
local mode, 53, 54
operating modes, 26
overview, 26
remote mode, 53, 54
remote operation, 47
STATe command - definition, 87
STATe command - guidelines, 88
status registers, 251
units of measure, 75
writing programs for, 26, 31
HP-IB command syntax diagram, 170
TESTS Subsystem, 419
default mass storage locations, 332
DOS file restrictions, 339
file descriptions, 420
file relationships, 421
screens, 422
writing programs for, 420
file name entry field width, 335