HP-IB Error: Not Enough Memory Available for Save.
This message will be generated when the control program tries to save the current Test Set
state into a Save/Recall register using the REG:SAVE commands, but there is insufficient
memory available in the Test Set. The Test Set’s non-volatile RAM is shared by the
following resources:
•IBASIC programs
• Save/Recall registers
• RAM Disk
In order to save the current Test Set state into a Save/Recall register more non-volatile
RAM will have to be made available. This can be done by,
• reducing the size of the IBASIC program
• deleting one or more existing Save/Recall registers
• recovering RAM Disk space
The ROM Disk utility RAM_USAGE will display the total amount of non-volatile RAM
installed in the Test Set, the RAM Disk allocation, the Save/Recall register allocation and
the amount of non-volatile RAM available to IBASIC.
HP-IB Error: HP-IB Units cause invalid conversion of attr.
This error is generated when trying to change Attribute Units and one of the Data Function
values is set to zero. If this error is encountered the programmer must change the Data
Function settings to values that can be converted to the new units_of_measure. Refer to
“Changing Attribute Units.” on page 83 for more details.