Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
PROGram Subsystem
PROGram[:SELected]:NUMBer? <varname>
NOTE: The program commands and syntax used to enter data from the Test Set into the external
controller will depend upon the programming language used in the external controller.
Considerations such as type conversion (integer to real, real to complex, etc.), the sequence in
which values are entered into arrays, the capability to fill an entire array with a single enter
statement, etc. will depend upon the capabilities of the programming language used in the
external controller. The examples which follow represent the capabilities of Rocky Mountain
BASIC programming language running on an HP
9000/300 Series Controller.
Example querying the value of a simple variable
OUTPUT 714;"PROGram:SELected:NUMBer? Variable"
ENTER 714;Value
OUTPUT 714;"PROG:NUMB? Variable"
ENTER 714;Value
This example assumes that the variable named Value in the ENTER statement is the same
type as the variable named Variable in the IBASIC program.
Example querying the value of a one dimensional array [Array(5)] with 6 elements
OUTPUT 714;"PROGram:SELected:NUMBer? Array"
ENTER 714;Result_array(*)
ENTER 714;Result_array(*)
This example assumes that the array named Result_array(*) in the ENTER statement is di-
mensioned exactly the same as the array named Array in the IBASIC program.
NOTE: Individual array elements cannot be queried with the :NUMBer? command.