Chapter 8, Programming the Call Processing Subsystem
Programming the CALL CONTROL Screen
This field is used to initiate a handoff.
The voice channel number to hand the mobile station off to, the initial power level
to use on the new voice channel and the SAT tone frequency to transpond on the
new voice channel are specified using the
Chan:, Pwr Lvl:, and SAT: fields
under the
Voice Channel Assignment section of the CALL CONTROL screen.
The :HANDoff command is used to control this field.
There is no query form of the :HANDoff command.
This field is used to enter the identification number of the mobile station. The
MS Id field has two fields. The content of the lower field is automatically updated
upon successful completion of a mobile station registration.
The upper field is a one-of-many selection field and is used to select the format for
entering the identification number. The :NMODe command is used to set the
upper field. Two formats are available:
Phone Num for entering a 10 digit phone
number or
MIN2 MIN1 for entering the mobile identification number.
The lower field is a numeric entry field and is used to enter the identification
number in the format selected using the upper field.
There are two formats which can be used to enter the identification number in the
lower field.
• The identification number can be entered as the 10 digit phone number in decimal (i.e.
5095551212). The :PNUMber command is used to enter the 10 digit phone number.
• The identification number can be entered as the mobile identification number (MIN) in
hexadecimal (i.e. AAABBBBBB). The MIN number is entered as the 3 character MIN2
(AAA) followed by the 6 character MIN1 (BBBBBB). The :MINumber command is
used to enter the MIN number.
The formats are coupled, that is, if the Phone Num format is selected and the 10
digit phone number is entered, the
MIN2 MIN1 information is automatically
updated, and vice versa.