Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
PROGram Subsystem
Syntax (length of program known)
PROGram[:SELected]:DEFine <#><of digits in count field>
<count field: of data bytes in program><program data bytes>
The following notation is used in the command description:
The data starts with a header which begins with a “#”, followed by a single non-zero
digit in the range 1-9 which specifies the number of digits in the following count field,
followed by a series of digits in the range of 0-9 which gives the number of data bytes
being sent, followed by the number of data bytes specified by the count field.
#16<data byte><data byte><data byte><data byte><data byte><data by
Example BASIC program to download an IBASIC program to Test Set
10 OUTPUT 714;"PROG:DEL:ALL" !Delete current program
20 OUTPUT 714;"PROG:DEF #257" !Create program, send header
30 OUTPUT 714;"10 FOR J = 1 TO 10" !18 characters + CR + LF
40 OUTPUT 714;"20 DISP J" !9 characters + CR + LF
50 OUTPUT 714;"30 BEEP" !7 characters + CR + LF
60 OUTPUT 714;"40 NEXT J" !9 characters + CR + LF
70 OUTPUT 714;"50 END"!6 characters
80 END
:DEFine? The :DEFine? query command is used to upload an IBASIC program
from the Test Set to an external controller.
The IBASIC program uploaded to the external controller is transferred as IEEE
488.2 Definite Length Arbitrary Block Response Data. The following information
describes some of the characteristics of the IEEE 488.2 Definite Length Arbitrary
Block Response Data type. Refer to the IEEE Standard 488.2-1987 for detailed
information on this data type.
The data starts with a header which begins with a “#”, followed by a single non-zero
digit in the range 1-9 which specifies the number of digits in the following count field,
followed by a series of digits in the range of 0-9 which gives the number of data bytes
being sent, followed by the number of data bytes specified by the count field.