Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
Method #1. Program Development on an External BASIC Language Computer
BASIC for Windows
PC Configuration for Windows NT
Operating System
To prepare for HP
BASIC program development utilizing Windows NT
, the
external PC must be configured to operate with the Test Set.
You will need:
• an Agilent 82341B/C interface card (the Agilent 82335 card does not support
Windows NT
• a licensed version with security key of HP
BASIC for Windows
How to install:
1. Install the Agilent 82341B/C into an open expansion slot. Refer to the interface card’s
installation guide details. Utilize the default card settings.
2. Install the SICL libraries using the SETUP32.EXE setup file.
3. Run the SICL I_O Config program to configure the card.
4. Select Agilent 82340/82341 GPIB from the available interface list of choices.
5. Select the Configure command button. Use the default settings shown by the program.
This will verify that the card is functioning.
6. Install HP
BASIC for Windows 6.3 or later.
7. Run HP
BASIC for Windows.
8. Edit the AUTOST file, change line 330 as follows:
LOAD BIN "HPIBS;DEV hpib7" !SICL Library for Agilent 82341 card
9. Re-store the AUTOST file
10. Quit HP
BASIC for Windows
11. Run HP
BASIC for Windows
. The program should load normally and allow you to
send orders to the Test Set.