Chapter 8, Programming the Call Processing Subsystem
Example Programs
Example Programs
This section contains two example programs for controlling the Call Processing
Subsystem. The SRQ Example Program demonstrates how to control program
flow using the service request feature of the HP-IB. The Polling Example
Program demonstrates how to control program flow by polling the Test Set’s
status registers.
The programs can be run on an external controller or on the Test Set’s built-in
IBASIC Controller. If the programs are run on the Test Set’s built-in IBASIC
Controller bus addresses and time-out values must be changed as noted in the
Both example programs have the same basic structure and execute as follows:
Initialize program variables
Configure the Test Set’s status registers for service request or polling
Condition the Test Set for Call Processing
Configure the Test Set
Set the Active state
Register the mobile station and print the registration data
Page the mobile station
Measure several parameters of the mobile station’s carrier and print results
Order the mobile station to change power and print the mobile station order verification
Configure the Test Set for a handoff
Handoff the mobile station to a new channel
Put the mobile station into the maintenance mode
Send an alert order to the mobile station to take it out of maintenance mode
Release the mobile station
Prompt the operator to originate a call from the mobile station
Print the origination data from the mobile station
Release the mobile station