Chapter 6, Memory Cards/Mass Storage
Copying Files Using IBASIC Commands
Copying Files Using IBASIC Commands
Files can be copied from one mass storage device to another using the IBASIC
COPY command. For example, to copy a file from a memory card to the left drive
of an external dual-disk drive with a mass storage volume specifier of ":,702,0",
execute the following IBASIC command from the TESTS (IBASIC Controller)
command line:
“Stored” or “saved” files on one memory card can be copied to another memory
card as follows:
• Insert the memory card containing the file to be copied.
the desired file from the memory card into the Test Set .
• Remove the original memory card.
• Insert the destination memory card in the Test Set.
the file to the destination memory card.
Copying an Entire Volume
An entire volume can be copied from one mass storage device to the same type of
mass storage device using the volume copy form of the COPY command. The
destination volume must be as large as, or larger than, the source volume. The
directory and any files on the destination volume are destroyed. The directory size
on the destination volume becomes the same size as the source media. Disc-to-
disc copy time is dependent on the mass storage device type. The volume copy
form of the COPY command was designed to copy like-media to like-media and
like-file-systems to like-file-systems. For example, to copy the entire contents of
one internal RAM disk to another internal RAM disk, execute the following
IBASIC command from the TESTS (IBASIC Controller) command line:
1. See “Storing Code Files” on page 338 for information about the LOAD, GET,
STORE, and SAVE commands.