Chapter 6, Memory Cards/Mass Storage
Using RAM Disk
Using RAM Disk
RAM Disk is a section of the Test Set’s internal RAM memory that has been set
aside for use as a mass storage device. RAM Disk acts much the same as an
external disk drive; that is, program and data files can be stored, re-stored, erased,
and retrieved from the RAM Disk.
The RAM Disk is partitioned into four separate units: 0-3. Each unit is treated as a
separate “disk.” The size of each disk can be specified in 256-byte increments.
The four RAM Disk units are designated ":MEMORY,0,0" to ":MEMORY,0,3".
For example, to catalog the contents of RAM Disk unit “0” from the TESTS
(IBASIC Controller) screen, execute the following command:
Volume 0’s contents can be viewed and loaded from the TESTS (IBASIC
Controller) screen, the TESTS (Main Menu) screen, the TESTS (Save/Delete
Procedure) screen and the Signaling Decoder screen in NMT mode. Volumes 1, 2,
and 3 can only be accessed from the TESTS (IBASIC Controller) screen.
NOTE: RAM Disk Erasure. The contents of RAM Disk are easily lost. Unit 0 can be overwritten
by the RAM_MNG utility program (ROM Disk). Unit 1 can be overwritten by the
COPY_PL utility program (ROM Disk). The contents of all units are lost when the
SERVICE screen’s RAM Initialize function is executed. Therefore, RAM Disk
should only be used for non-permanent, short-term storage of program or data files.