Setup Mode
28 309301G
Recipe Setup Screen
Use recipe setup to configure your recipes by assigning a recipe number and designating Tar-
get Amounts for each fluid in the recipe.
Calibrate Meter Screen
Use this screen to calibrate your fluid panel meters. All values are in cubic centimeters (cc).
To setup the recipes:
1. Type a recipe number (1-250).
2. Type the Target Amount for each fluid used in the
recipe (0-999.99).
Type in 0 if a fluid is not used in the recipe. The
units of measure are set in Fluid Setup (page 27).
3. Press the right arrow key to go to the Calibrate
Meter screen.
Fluid 1 Fluid 2 Fluid 3
Target Amount
ltr ltr ltr
Type in 0 for Target Amount if Fluid
is not used in this Recipe.
System Fluids Recipes Meters
Follow the additional instructions in brackets if a dispense valve is installed on the
dispense line.
To calibrate a meter:
1. Dispense fluid into a calibrated container (minimum
300 cc) by turning the Operator Station dispense
switch to ON [and triggering the dispense valve].
2. Stop dispensing by [releasing the dispense valve
trigger and] turning the dispense switch to AUTO.
3. The amount the controller detected was dispensed
appears on the screen in the Dispensed column. If
the value in the column differs from the measured
amount in the container, enter the measured value
(in cc) in the Actual column.
If nothing is entered in the Actual column, the K-fac-
tor remains unchanged.
4. The controller will calculate the meter K-factor and
display the new value in the K-factor column.
5. Repeat the process for each of your fluid panels.
Fluid 1 04.730 0
Fluid 2 00.119 0
Fluid 3 25.000 0
1) Manually dispense fluid into a calibrated container
(minimum of 300 cc).
2) Type in Actual Value and Press ENTER.
System Fluids Recipes Meters