Introduction to the Basic Encoder
Page 1-10 Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder
Table 1.4: Video Coding Resolutions
625 Line Modes 525 Line Modes
720 pixels x 576 lines 720 pixels x 480 lines
704 pixels x 576 lines 704 pixels x 480 lines
640 pixels x 576 lines 640 pixels x 480 lines
544 pixels x 576 lines 544 pixels x 480 lines
480 pixels x 576 lines 480 pixels x 480 lines
352 pixels x 576 lines 352 pixels x 480 lines
352 pixels x 288 lines 352 pixels x 240 lines
Internal Frame Synchroniser
An internal frame synchroniser is provided to accommodate slight
differences between the incoming frame rate and that generated by the
stable reference
used by the Encoder.
Output on Video Loss
The Encoder can be software-configured to show, in the event of video
input loss, either:
· A test pattern (with or without ident text)
· A freeze frame (with or without ident text)
· Cut to a black screen (with or without ident text)
1.3.2 Audio Encoding
Audio can be encoded to:
· MPEG-1 Audio (layer 2) standard (sampling rate 32 kHz or 48 kHz).
· Dolby Digital (AC-3)
(sampling rate 32 kHz or 48 kHz)
Output bit-rate is selectable in the range 32 kbit/s - 384 kbit/s
(dependent on configuration) for MPEG-1 Audio (layer 2) and
56 kbit/s - 640 kbit/s (dependent on configuration) for Dolby Digital
(AC-3) coding mode selectable between 1/0 and 2/0.
· Dolby Digital (AC-3) pre-encoded audio (IEC 61937 specification) in
pass-through mode is also available (it only operates at 48 kHz). This
is where an audio stream has already been encoded externally, prior to
entering the Encoder.
· Linear PCM
(SMPTE 302M).
· Dolby E Pass-through
1. See Annex G, Audio Modes for details of setting up the audio.
2. MPEG-1 audio sampling rate is fixed at 48 kHz when controlled from the front panel.
To ensure broadcast quality it is recommended that the studio reference is fed to HYSNC.
Dolby Digital (AC-3) is only available when software option M2/ESO2/AC3 is purchased.
To achieve lip sync in all modes the audio option M2/EOM2/AUDLIN must be used