A/C-7P RO, A/C-7S RO
one and the first bar of the next day.
To determine the <bar width>,
divide the available one inch (<x
increment>) into four equal sections
(three bars and one space). The
resulting value was 75 (= 300/4).
Next, count the <# of entries> (5)
and enter the respective values. The
parameters are:
¬GX'bar chart Boyd'
Bar Chart Gary
The bars representing Gary’s calls
were to be printed directly to the
right of Boyd’s. The resulting
horizontal start value <x start> was:
300 (Boyd’s)
+ 75 (Bar width)
With the exception of the actual
calls, the other parameters for Gary’s
bar chart were identical to Boyd’s.
The parameters are:
¬GX'bar chart Gary'
Bar Chart Shawn
Shawn’s bar chart was to be printed
directly to the right of Gary’s. The
resulting horizontal starting position
<x start> was:
375 (Gary’s)
+ 75 (Bar width)
The parameters are:
¬GX'bar chart Shawn'
6.7.3 X-
The x-axis (Weekday) and the y-axis
(# of calls), along with the
increments, were created through a
series of separate lines. Notice that
the line width of the axis is the same
as the line width of the bars. The
parameters are shown below:
¬GX'X-Axis with increments'
¬GC'Y-Axis with increments'