Emerson 7829 TV Antenna User Manual

Installation and Configuration Manual 75
Modbus Communications
Calculated Parameters Modbus CommunicationsSafety CertificationFactory Default Settings Calculated Parameters Modbus CommunicationsSafety CertificationFactory Default Settings Calculated Parameters Modbus CommunicationsSafety CertificationFactory Default Settings Calculated Parameters Modbus Communications
Safety Certification
Factory Default Settings
D.5.8 Unit type
Used on Register 204.
D.5.9 Status register flags
Used in Register 256.
Index Meter type
5 Advanced fork
Bit Hex Value Flag Name Definition
0 00000001 ST_IN_LOCK P.L.L. is IN LOCK
1 00000002 ST_DIAG_ON DIAGnostics ON
2 00000004 ST_FT1_ALM 4 to 20 mA output 1 in ALarM
3 00000008 ST_FT2_ALM
4 to 20 mA output 2 in ALarM
4 00000010 ST_FT3_ALM
4 to 20 mA output 3 in ALarM
5 00000020 ST_HART_BOARD
whether HART BOARD is fitted
6 00000040 ST_RS232_BOARD
whether RS232 BOARD is fitted
7 00000080 ST_SWITCH_BOARD
whether SWITCH BOARD is fitted
8 00000100 ST_EXP0_BOARD (reserved for future expansion)
9 00000200 ST_EXP1_BOARD (reserved for future expansion)
10 00000400 ST_EXP2_BOARD (reserved for future expansion)
11 00000800 ST_EXP3_BOARD (reserved for future expansion)
12 00001000 ST_FT3_HART
HART is in control of its 4 to 20 mA output
13 00002000 ST_BAD_STATUS STATUS register corruption
14 00004000 ST_STAT_CORR one or more STATus registers have been
15 00008000 ST_TOTAL_DEATH status registers not updating - assume the worst
16 00010000 ST_USER_ALM User defined variable in alarm
17 00020000
18 00040000
19 00080000
20 00100000
21 00200000 ST_TEMP_HI TEMP
erature reading too HIgh
22 00400000 ST_TEMP_LOW TEMP
erature reading too LOW
23 00800000 ST_ROM_CSF ROM CheckSum Fail flag
24 01000000 ST_FRAM0_WPF FRAM0
Write Protect Fail
25 02000000 ST_FRAM1_WPF
FRAM1 Write Protect Fail
26 04000000 ST_FRAM0_RWE FRAM0 Read/Write Error
27 08000000 ST_FRAM1_RWE
FRAM1 Read/Write Error
28 10000000 ST_FRAM0_CSF FRAM0
CheckSum Fail flag