Setting the SCSI Security Jumpers ........................ 4-102
Installing a Security Tether ............................. 4-106
Changing the Battery ................................ 4-108
Completing the Installation ............................. 4-113
Connecting External Options ............................ 4-115
Chapter 5. Using the Online and Standalone Diagnostics ........... 5-1
Sources for the Diagnostics ............................... 5-1
Standalone and Online Diagnostics Operating Considerations ........... 5-1
Online Diagnostics Modes of Operation ....................... 5-10
Standalone Diagnostic Operation .......................... 5-13
Location Codes (Model 140 and Model 240) .................... 5-14
Chapter 6. Location Codes (Model 150 only) ................... 6-1
Physical Location Codes ................................ 6-1
AIX Location Codes ................................... 6-2
Chapter 7. Using the System Verification Procedure .............. 7-1
Step 1. Considerations before Running This Procedure .............. 7-1
Step 2. Loading the Diagnostics ............................ 7-2
Step 3. Running System Verification .......................... 7-3
Step 4. Additional System Verification ......................... 7-3
Step 5. Stopping the Diagnostics ............................ 7-4
Chapter 8. Hardware Problem Determination ................... 8-1
Problem Determination Using the Standalone or Online Diagnostics ....... 8-1
Problem Determination When Unable to Load Diagnostics ............ 8-10
Chapter 9. Introduction to Tasks and Service Aids ............... 9-1
Add Resource to Resource List ............................ 9-4
AIX Shell Prompt ..................................... 9-4
Analyze Adapter Internal Log .............................. 9-4
Backup and Restore Media ............................... 9-4
Certify Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
Change Hardware Vital Product Data ......................... 9-6
Configure Dials and LPFKeys ............................. 9-6
Configure ISA Adapter .................................. 9-6
Configure Reboot Policy ................................. 9-7
Configure Remote Maintenance Policy ........................ 9-8
Configure Ring Indicate Power On Policy ...................... 9-10
Configure Ring Indicate Power On .......................... 9-11
Configure Service Processor ............................. 9-11
Configure Surveillance Policy ............................. 9-14
Create Customized Configuration Diskette ..................... 9-14
Preface vii