28 01-0870-401B 01/03
Front Panel
Control>EIA-232: used to configure the remote port
Baud Sets the baud rate for the remote port 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
Data Bits Sets the number of data bits for the remote port 7, 8
Parity Sets the parity for the remote port None, Even, Odd
Stop Bits Sets the number of stop bits for the remote port 1, 2
Soft Flow Sets the software control for the data flow to on or off ■ On: if data flow is software controlled
■ Off: if data flow is not software controlled
Hard Flow Sets the hardware control for the data flow to on or off ■ On: If data flow is hardware controlled
■ Off: If data flow is not hardware controlled
Control>Network: enables you to set the network parameters when the TDR6 is to be monitored and controlled through a network
Address Sets the Internet Protocol address of the TDR6 User defined in the format: xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx where
xxx is a decimal number from 0 to 999
Example: 192:200:9:201
Mask Query-only; displays the IP mask
This parameter can be set using a remote terminal and the
appropriate remote command.
text string
Gateway Query-only; displays the IP router address
This parameter can be set using a remote terminal and the
appropriate remote command.
text string
MAC Query-only; displays the ethernet hardware address of the TDR6 Format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx where xx is a
hexadecimal number from 0 to f.
Example: 00:e0:74:00:02:cb
Control>Clock: used to set the date and time
Date Sets the date.
If the date is entered incorrectly, or an out-of-range value is
entered, the TDR6 will display and continue to use the previously
set date.
= the month as a value between 1 and 12
= the day as a value between 1 and 31
= the year representing all four digits of
the current year
Default: 00.00.0000
Time Sets the time. hh.mm.ss where:
■ hh = hours, in 24-hour format, as a value
between 0 and 23, (where 0 is midnight and 23
is 11 PM)
■ mm = minutes; value between 0 to 59
■ ss = seconds; value between 0 to 59
Control>Reset: used to reset the TDR6 to the last-saved configuration set
Press Enter to Reset When a reset if performed, the following actions occur:
■ The last configuration that was set is restored, regardless of
whether you saved this configuration using the User/Save
options under the Stored Configuration menu.
■ All programmable logic and firmware are reloaded.
■ The unit is restarted.
■ The fault history log is cleared.
Additional Information: As an aid to troubleshooting, the fault
history log should be reviewed and recorded before resetting or
turning the TDR6 power off.
Returns to the main menu after reset
Version Menu: displays the version of firmware currently in use on the TDR6
Firmware Query-only; displays the version of firmware currently in use on
the TDR6
Displays the firmware version label
Command Description Parameters / Response Values