284 iRMC S2/S3
User Management
Enhanced User Login
Enhanced flexibility when users log in.
Only activate this option if you are familiar with the LDAP
syntax. If you inadvertently specify and activate an invalid
search filter, users can only log in to the iRMC S2/S3 under a
global login after the Enhanced User Login option has been
Figure 166: Enhanced User Login
If you select Enhanced User Login and activate it with Apply, an
additional field User Login Search Filter appears containing the
standard login search filter "(&(objectclass=person)(cn=%s))".
Figure 167: LDAP search filter for “Enhanced User Login”
At login, the placeholder “%s” is replaced by the associated global
login. You can modify the standard filter by specifying another
attribute in place of “cn=”. All global logins are then permitted to log
into the iRMC S2/S3 which meet the criteria of this search filter.