iRMC S2/S3 417
Configuring the iRMC S2/S3 via SCCI and scripted configuration
Transferring the IPv4 address ""
<DATA Type="xsd::string"></DATA>
The xsd::string data type is restricted to readable strings, IP
addresses and MD5-based user passwords.
For all other data, the xsd::hexbinary data type must be used!
I Do not directly specify the characters ä, ö, ü, etc. in strings
unless they are actually needed by the using application!
Both SCCI and the ConfigSpace interface do not store any
character encoding information. Thus, any non-US-ASCII-
characters will be interpreted internally by the using application
and therefore should be avoided.
If you do actually need to specify special characters, make sure
that you edit and save your file in UTF-8 format including the
correct BOM.
Command Status (Status)
After the configuration settings are transferred, the Status contains the
result of the operation. If the operation has completed successfully, the
value 0 is returned.
I For a specification of all public configuration settings (ConfigSpace) see
the SCCI_CS.pdf file, which you will find in the Help folder of the
ServerView Agents installation package. Additionally, the SCCI_CS.pdf
file is distributed with the PRIMERGY Scripting Toolkit.I