378 iRMC S2/S3
Booting from DVD 1
It takes about 5 minutes to boot from ServerView Suite DVD 1 via a remote
storage medium. The boot progress is indicated during the boot process. Once
the boot process has completed, the Installation Manager startup displays a
dialog box in which you are asked to select a medium for the status backup area
(status backup medium).
I Before you start to install the operating system, you should synchronize
the local mouse cursor and the cursor of the managed server in the AVR
window at the remote workstation. For more detailed information on
synchronizing the mouse cursor in the AVR window, see section
"Synchronizing the mouse pointer" on page 93.
Ê Choose Standard mode as the Installation Manager mode.
Ê Specify whether the configuration data is to be stored on a local replaceable
data medium or on a network medium:
I Please note that if you do not select any status backup option all the
configuration data is lost when you reboot.
Status backup medium
I The backup medium must not be write-protected.
A USB stick must already be connected to the USB port when
the system is booted. If you fail to do this and wish to save the
configuration file: Connect the USB stick now and reboot from
ServerView Suite DVD 1.
Ê Choose the option on local drive (floppy / USB stick).
Ê Select the corresponding drive in the box to the right of this option.
For more detailed information on creating Installation Manager
status disks, see the manual “ServerView Installation Manager”.
Connecting the status medium and/or the installation media via the network
Ê Set up the required shares for this purpose.
I If you are making a medium with a prepared configuration
file and/or an installation medium available via the network,
you have to choose this option. Depending on your
infrastructure, you can either obtain a temporary IP
address via DHCP or manually configure an IPv4 or IPv6
address for the current Installation Manager session.
Ê Start the Installation Manager by clicking Continue.