Using DVD
The status of execution will be displayed on the live screen
when the DVD export process is in progress.
D.S: Searching for the relevant file.
D.E: Deleting the data that has been written onto the DVD.
D.C: Converting the data into a format that conforms with the
DVD-Video format.
D.W: Writing the converted files onto the DVD.
D.F: Performing the finalization process.
* See page 98 for details on the error messages related to
• The periods specified during the export process will be
sorted by title. A maximum of 99 titles can be created.
• The chapters included in each title will be created for each
recording type. A maximum of 99 chapters can be created
for each title (although the chapters will not be divided if
there are internal links for alarm files.)
Additionally, the chapters will be divided automatically in
files of up to six hours in accordance with the recorded
file’s information (recording rate and recording time.)
• Serial numbers, channels, the starting time and ending
time of recordings, and the recording mode will be
appended to the title of DVD recording.
• The playback mode is the title loop.
• There are cases where the starting times of chapters within
titles are a maximum ten seconds prior to the specified
starting times.
• Playback from the hard disk is not possible when data is
being recorded onto DVDs.
• All data exported to DVD-R discs when the DVD export
function is executed cannot be deleted.
In the case of DVD-RW discs, the current data can be
deleted and replaced with new export data.
• The DVD tray cannot be opened during DVD export and
disc loading.
• A maximum of 99 titles can be recorded onto a single DVD.
Additionally, a maximum of 99 chapters can be created for
each title.
• The maximum number of chapters that can be exported
when the export format is in self-playing format is limited to
a total of 498 (249 when audio sound is included.)
• Image distribution onto a network will be suspended during
DVD exporting.
• Malfunctions on the hard disk may result in the DVD export
function not being able to be used.
• When data that is less than a total of 1GB is to be exported
onto a DVD-R, it will be expanded to approximately 1GB of
data and exported accordingly, depending on the rating for
the DVD-R. This will consequently result in additional time
required for the process to be completed.
• There are cases where the “CHAPTER OVER” error
message will be displayed if the [FRAME RATE] parameter
is set at [AUTO] during alarm according when the alarm
recording is exported to the DVD. This is caused by the
VR-509E’s DVD conversion specifications (*1), so when
this occurs it is necessary to reduce the amount of periods
that are to be exported to the DVD, and then execute the
[CHECK] or [EXPORT] functions once again.
*1: As the VR-509E exports data for which the frame rate
has been converted as different alarm recorded data
when frame rates are changed in accordance with the
[AUTO] setting for a single alarm recording, the number
of alarms that are exported exceeds the actual number
of alarms.
• See page 112 for guidelines to the amount of time that can
be recorded onto a single DVD.
The relationships between the export format and the
permissible recording time are shown below.
• See page 113 for guidelines to the amount of time required
for exporting data onto DVDs.
Exporting Data on DVD (continued)
Displays During DVD Export
Configuration of Completed DVDs
Points to Note During DVD Export
Recording Time
Export Format
Short Self-playing + DVD-Video (OPT)
Self-playing + DVD-Video (NO OPT)
DVD-Video (OPT)
DVD-Video (NO OPT)
Long Self-playing