C2669M (4/07) 3
This document is an addendum to the DVR5100 Series digital video recorder (DVR) installation and operation manuals and provides an update on
new packaging, equipment, and features of the DVR5100 Series.
This document covers the following topics (clicking on any topic in the list takes you directly to that section):
• DVR5100 Parts List
• USB PC Keyboard, Mouse, and Template for the DVR5100
• Auto Login
• Automatically Assigning Cameras to the Workspace
• Extending Video Retention by Changing Frame Rate
• Remote Client
– Digital Zoom Controls
– Timeline Synchronization in Quick Search
To protect the system against the possibility of file and database corruption during the update process, the DVR5100 checks the integrity of the
image on the CD before starting the update, and the database and system files after the update. If the update is not completed properly, the
DVR5100 restarts using the existing operating system image. To check that the update is completed successfully, display the Help screen and
check the version number. Note that the release number changes to reflect each new software release.
Figure 1.
DVR5100 Help Menu