C1695M (8/06) 45
Selecting a Primary Monitor
You can configure the primary monitor for the DVR5100 with or without having a monitor connected to the unit. The default monitor format is
VGA. If you plan on using a VGA monitor in the application for displaying video, you do not have to perform the setup procedures in this section.
If your system requires an NTSC or PAL monitor, you can perform either of the following procedures to set up the monitor:
• Temporarily connect a VGA monitor to the DVR5100 to display the Monitor Format Selection dialog box when the DVR5100 is first started.
You can use the on-screen dialog box to set up the NTSC or PAL monitor. After setting up the monitor, disconnect the VGA monitor and
connect the NTSC or PAL monitor, and then restart the DVR5100. Video will be displayed on the configured monitor. Refer to Using a VGA
Monitor to Set Up an NTSC or PAL Primary Monitor on page 46 for more information.
• Set up the DVR5100 without the use of a monitor while an NTSC or PAL monitor is connected to the DVR5100. In this case, video is not
displayed on the NTSC or PAL monitor during the setup phase. Video is displayed on the monitor after the monitor is configured and the
DVR5100 is restarted. Refer to Monitorless Setup of an NTSC or PAL Primary Monitor on page 48 for more information.