Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Transponder Cards
D.5.7.5 Current Tab
The Current tab allows you to assign thresholds and alarm severities for the transponder laser current
D.5.7.6 Power Tab
The Power tab allows you to assign thresholds and alarm severities for the transponder laser power
D.5.7.7 Input Power Tab
The Input Power tab allows you to assign thresholds and alarm severities for the power coming into the
transponder lasers.
Background Block Errors Sets the high threshold for the number of FEC background block errors (BBE) and the alarm
severity level. An errored block is a block in which one or more bits are in error. A background
block error is an errored block that does not occur as part of a severely errored second.
Unavailable Seconds Sets the high threshold for the number of FEC unavailable seconds (UAS) and the alarm
severity level. The detection of 10 consecutive SES begins a period of UAS. The 10 SES
detected are part of the UAS. The ES and SES counters decrement by 10 seconds and the UAS
counter increments by an equivalent number of seconds. A new period of available time begins
at the onset of 10 consecutive non-SES events.
Error Corrected Rate Sets the high threshold for the bit error corrected rate (ECR) and the alarm severity level. The
ECR is the ratio of FEC bit errors corrected to bits transmitted.
Uncorrected Codewords
Sets the high threshold for the uncorrected codeword rate (UCR) and the alarm severity level.
The UCR is the ratio of uncorrected codewords to codewords transmitted. A codeword is a
block of N symbols that carry K information symbols and R redundant symbols (N = K+R).
Table D-287 Field Descriptions for the Quality of Service Tab (continued)
Field Description
Table D-288 Field Descriptions for the Current Tab
Field Description
Laser 1
Value When the Update button is clicked, displays the current value of the Laser 1 current (in mA).
Degrade Sets the degrade threshold for the Laser 1 current, in mA, and the alarm severity level.
Fail Sets the failure threshold for the Laser 1 current, in mA, and the alarm severity level.
Table D-289 Field Descriptions for the Power Tab
Field Description
Laser 1
Value When the Update button is clicked, displays the current power of Laser 1 (in mW).
Low Sets the low threshold for the Laser 1 power, in mW, and the alarm severity level.
High Sets the high threshold for the Laser 1 power, in mW, and the alarm severity level.