Button related to:
Read-only field, displaying the name of the camera for
which the event will be specified.
Manual event name:
Lets you specify a name for the event button.
Send e-mail if this event occurs:
Select check box to send an e-mail alert when the event
button is clicked.
Include image from camera:
Select this check box to attach an image that is recorded at
the time the event button is clicked, to an e-mail alert and then
select the required camera in the list below the check box.
• To define a timer event for an event button, select the
required event that was added in step
3, then click the
[Add New Event] button.
Specifying Generic Events
You can specify the settings for an event based on input from
external sources using the TCP and UDP protocols. The event
will be triggered if the received data meet specific criteria.
1 Click the [Generic Events] button in the [Camera
Record Setting] window.
Add new event:
Lets you define new events.
Edit selected:
Let you edit the settings for an existing event selected in
the [Defined events] list.
Remove selected:
Lets you remove an existing event selected in the
[Defined events] list.
2 Select Generic and click the [Add new event]
● General Event Settings
Event Name:
Lets you specify a name for the event. Each event must
have a unique name.
Event Protocol:
Lets you select which protocol VR-N900U should listen for
in order to detect the event:
Listen for, and analyze, packages using TCP as well as
UDP protocol.
Listen for, and analyze, packages using TCP protocol
Listen for, and analyze, packages using UDP protocol
Event rule type:
Lets you select the analyzing method of the received
In order for the event to be triggered, the received
package must contain exactly the message specified in
the [Event rule string] section’s [Event message include]
field, and nothing else.
In order for the event to be triggered, the received
package must contain the message specified in the
[Event rule string] section’s [Event message include] field.
Other messages may be included.
Event priority:
The same data package may be analyzed for different
events. The ability to assign a priority to each event lets
you manage which event should be triggered if a received
package matches the criteria for several events. The
priority must be specified as a number between 0 (lowest
priority) and 1000 (highest priority).
• VR-N900U listens for generic events on the port specified
as [Alert Port] in the [Advanced] window.
[Add New Event] window
[Camera Record Setting] window
[Generic Events]
[Add new event] window