Pelco C2669M DVR User Manual

C1695M (8/06) 89
Data bits: Selects the number of bits in each data packet that can be transmitted as a single unit. Refer to Table O, DVR5100 Serial
Port Options and Defaults, on page 89 for settings.
Parity: Selects whether or not parity will be enabled for data transmissions. Refer to Table O, DVR5100 Serial Port Options and
Defaults, on page 89 for settings.
Stop bits: Selects the number of stop bits for each data transmission. Refer to Table O, DVR5100 Serial Port Options and Defaults, on
page 89 for settings.
To display the EnduraStor setup options:
TIP: You can use an optional KBD5000 keyboard or a USB PC keyboard and mouse to perform some setup tasks more easily. Refer to
Understanding DVR5100 Controls and Menus on page 31 for a comparison on using any of these devices to work with the on-screen menus.
1. From the main menu, select Setup and press Enter/Shift . The Setup window is displayed.
2. On the Control Pad, use the joystick to select the Devices tab, and then select the DVR category from the device list.
3. Press to expand the device tree, and then select DVR. The configuration options are displayed in the Contents pane.
Figure 76. DVR (1) Expanded
TIP: You can use an optional KBD5000 keyboard or a USB PC keyboard and mouse to perform some setup tasks more easily. Refer to
Understanding DVR5100 Controls and Menus on page 31 for a comparison on using any of these devices to work with the on-screen menus.
To set the storage time in hours:
1. If it is not ready open, select the Configuration tab for the DVR from the Devices tab on the Setup window. For information about displaying
DVR device options, refer to Displaying the EnduraStor Options on page 89.
2. Navigate to the Desired Storage Time field, and then use the on-screen keyboard to select a storage time. (Refer to Figure 75 on
page 88.)
3. Select Apply to save your changes and continue working with settings on this page. Select OK to save your changes and close
the page. To retain the original settings, select Cancel . The DVR5100 main application window is displayed.
Table O. DVR5100 Serial Port Options and Defaults
Serial Port Setting Options Default Value
(bits per second)
110, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600, 115200, 230400
Data bits 5, 6, 7, 8 8
Parity None, Odd, Even None
Stop bits 1, 2 1