8 Specify the export destination
9 Enter a file name (when AVI is selected)
● Unless you specify a name, the file name will be the
export start date/time (Ayyyymmdd-hhmmss.aviB).
● If the date/time of data you ran [Export] previously is the
same as Start date/time, AVI file will be overwritten. If you
want to store the previous data, run [Export] only after
changing the path or AVI file name.
10 Click [Export]
An [Exported Images] folder is automatically created in
the specified location and exporting is started.
Saving Images in Database Format
Click the [Playback] tab
2 Enter start date/time and stop date/time in the
[Export] section
● When you click [Set] in [Start time], the date/time is
entered in the master time display part in [Time
● When you click [Set] in [End time], the date/time
displayed in the master time display part in [Time
Navigation] plus 1 second is entered.
● You may fail to use [Export] if images to export contain
ones with a large time gap by changing the time. In this
case, export images separately, images before changing
the time and ones after changing the time. (Example:
summer time, etc.)
3 Select a camera from the [Source:] list
● When you have selected [- Current view sources -],
images from all cameras in the view will be exported.
4 Click [Database Export…]
Item Description
Desktop Select this radio button to export data to
the desktop.
Path Select this radio button to specify a folder
to which data will be exported and to
enter a path.
● When viewing on another computer,
select [Path] and specify a path from
the USB flash memory.