Query control commands
Data transmitted by PC Data returned from unit in response Description of command
m = 0: 2% of tape remaining
1: 10% of tape remaining
2: 20% of tape remaining
3: 30% of tape remaining
F: (OFF) no warning
b = N: Warning is sounded by buzzer.
F: (OFF) warning is not sounded
by buzzer.
Queries the setting for the remaining tape amount for which
REMAIN is to flash on the display tube as a warning
display, and the setting for the buzzer to sound when the
tape-end position is about to be reached.
(When a 120-minute tape is used)
n = 1—6: Recording type (RT1—6)
[STX] LTYn:t:abcdefgh [ETX]
n = 1—6: Recording type (RT1—6)
t = 0: 3-hour recording
1: 9-hour recording
2: 12-hour recording
3: 18-hour recording
4: 24-hour recording
5: 48-hour recording
6: 72-hour recording
7: 96-hour recording
8: 120-hour recording
9: 180-hour recording
A: 240-hour recording
B: 360-hour recording
C: 480-hour recording
D: 960-hour recording
F: OFF (setting of TIME MODE
button is complied with)
a = Y or N: for setting cameras No.1
and 2
b = Y or N: for setting cameras No.3
and 4
c = Y or N: for setting cameras No.5
and 6
d = Y or N: for setting cameras No.7
and 8
e = Y or N: for setting cameras No.9
and 10
f = Y or N: for setting cameras No.11
and 12
a = Y or N: for setting cameras No.13
and 14
h = Y or N: for setting cameras No.15
and 16
Y: Used
N: Not used
Queries the setting for the combination of the recording time
mode and number of cameras.