Chapter 5: Settings
112 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 6 Classic & Professional User Manual
5.16 Certificates
• Tap on Start>Settings, and then tap on the System tab.
• Tap on the Certificates icon.
A public key is transmitted as part of a certificate. The certificates listed in the
Certificates tabs ensure that the submitted public key is, in fact, the public key that
belongs to the submitter. The hand-held checks that the certificate has been digitally
signed by a certification authority that the hand-held explicitly trusts.
Your WORKABOUT PRO has certificates already preinstalled in the unit. Personal
certificates establish your identity, intermediate certificates, as the name suggests,
identifies intermediate certification authorities and root certificates establish the
identity of the servers with which you can connect.
Personal Tab
The Personal tab lists the name of the certificate issuer and the expiration date.
• To view additional information about a personal certificate, tap on a certifi-
cate in the list.
• To delete a certificate, tap and hold the stylus on the item you want to delete
until a pop-up menu is displayed. Tap on the Delete command.