Switcher Module Description
Crosspoint Module (064800)
The Crosspoint Modules distributes all of the video input signals to all the
buses in the system. The Crosspoint Modules work entirely in the serial
digital mode.
After going through the Input Module, the video is sent to both Crosspoint
Modules: M/E 1, and M/E 2. Each crosspoint module is an 80 input X 16
output matrix. All inputs are common to both Crosspoint Modules. The
Crosspoint Modules are combined to create an 80 input X 32 output
crosspoint matrix. Only 41 inputs are used
The Crosspoint Modules have a series of 16 input X 8 output crosspoint ICs.
These are put into a circuit to create an 80 input X 16 output crosspoint
matrix. Both of the Crosspoint Modules make use of the HOS processor to
control the aux buses. The two M/E processors control their respective M/
E and key buses.
The HOS processor is wired to the same connector location in both
Crosspoint Module slots. The M/E 1 processor is wired to the same
connector location in slot A4 as the M/E 2 processor is wired to in slot A9.
The function, inputs, outputs, and processor used for each Crosspoint
Module are outlined below:
M/E 1 Crosspoint Module (Slot A4)
Function of the module:
This module takes all of the video inputs to the switcher including the ones
generated by the switcher and distributes them as video and keys to the
M/E1 Program and Preset buses and Aux Buses 5A through 6B.
■ Primary inputs 1 through 32 from the Input Modules
■ Reentries and internally generated signals from the Serial Reentry
■ Switched Preview Bus
■ Mask Bus
■ M/E 1 Program video and key
■ M/E 1 Preset video and key
■ M/E 1 key 1 and key 2 video and key
■ Aux 1A through Aux 2B video and key