Section 2 — Installation
The Model 2200 is packaged in several boxes, which contain the following:
■ Switcher Frame
■ Control Panel
■ Cables and Power Cords
■ Power Supplies
■ Instruction Manuals
■ Options
Carefully check the contents of each box against the packing slip to ensure
that everything shipped to you was received. If any items are missing or
damaged, contact the shipping company or your supplier or sales
representative immediately.
Pre-installation Procedures
Before you install the Model 2200, there are certain considerations such as
tools required, physical specifications, safety and power requirements you
should be aware of. These considerations are covered in the following
Items Required but not Supplied
The following is a list of items required for installation:
■ Medium flat bladed screwdriver
■ Medium Phillips head screwdriver
■ #10, #15, & #20 Torx screwdrivers
■ 3/8” deep well socket
■ Torque Wrench (100 inch pound range)
■ 1/8” (3mm) drill
■ six #6 (M4) screws