Extron electronic MGP 462D TV Video Accessories User Manual

4-21MGP 462 • Software Configuration and Control
Command/response table for IP control port commands (continued)
Command ASCII (Telnet) URL Encoded (Web) Response Additional description
(host to processor) (host to processor) (processor to host)
Firmware version requests, continued
Query factory firmware version 3Q 3Q
(plus web ver.-desc-UL date/time)
Factory-installed firmware is not
user-replaceable. This firmware
was installed at the factory; it is
the version the processor reverts
to after a mode 1 reset (see
chapter 3).
With tagged response – verbose modes 2 and 3:
Ver03 *
(plus Web version–description–UL date/time)
Example: 3Q 3Q 1.00(1.07-MGP462 Series -Wed, 16 Jan 2003 03:28:10 GMT)
In this example, the factory
firmware version is 1.00, also
known as the kernel version 1.07,
for the MGP 462, dated
16 January, 2003.
Query updated firmware version 4Q 4Q
Use this command to find out
which version of the firmware,
if any, was uploaded into the
processor after it left the
With tagged response – verbose modes 2 and 3:
Ver04 *
(plus Web version–description–UL date/time)
Example: 4Q 4Q 1.01 * (1.22-MGP462 Series -Mon, 17 Jan 2005 17:03:46 GMT)
In this example, the factory
firmware version is 1.01, a.k.a.
kernel version 1.22, for MGP 462,
dated 17 January, 2005.
Information requests
Request processor part number N N 60-XXX-XX Show processor part number.
MGP 462 is 60-623-01.
MGP 462D (SDI) is 60-623-02.
With tagged response – verbose modes 2 and 3:
Pno 60-623-01 or Pno 60-623-02