Fujitsu V3.1 Home Theater Server User Manual

Context menu
Several actions for a server profile can be choosen from the context menu
(click right mouse button):
Edit Profile
The Edit Server Profile wizard is started to modify the selected profile.
You can only modify server profiles that are not assigned. If more than
one server profile is selected or the selected server profile is assigned,
this menu item is disabled.
Show Profile Details
The Serverprofile <profile name> dialog box is opened providing infor-
mation on the selected server profile. If more than one server profile is
selected, this menu item is disabled.
Delete Profile
The selected profiles will be deleted. A message appears asking if you
wish to delete the corresponding server profiles. If you confirm this, the
server profiles will be deleted. You can only delete server profiles that
are not assigned. If any selected server profile is assigned, this menu
item is disabled.
5.4 Wizards
A wizard is an assistant that guides you, step by step, through a task.
A wizard usually consists of several steps that you work through in
sequence. The number of steps used and their sequence are shown in a tree
structure on the left. Steps that you have already completed are indicated in
the tree.
The buttons in the bottom right of each step allow you to progress through the
wizard workflow.
Opens the previous step in the wizard.
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager 161
5.4 Wizards