2 Virtual-IO Manager - Introduction
The details of this configuration cannot be seen via the nor-
mal graphical user interface of the service manager. To see
the details, you must use the command line interface of the
service manager. The command sc qfailure Server-
ViewVirtualIOManagerService displays the current con-
figuration, where ServerViewVirtualIOManagerService is
the name of the service.
l The ServerView Virtual-IO Manager Backup service is also configured
for automatic restart in the event of failure during installation.
By default the Virtual-IO Manager Backup service is not con-
figured to start automatically, as it requires configuration.
By default the following restart behavior is configured:
The first restart of the service is tried 5 seconds after unexpected ter-
mination of the service.
The second restart is tried 30 seconds after termination of the serv-
Subsequent restarts are tried 120 seconds after termination of the
The restart counter is reset after 600 seconds.
The details of this configuration cannot be seen via the nor-
mal graphical user interface of the service manager. To see
the details, you must use the command line interface of the
service manager. The command sc qfailure Server-
ViewVirtualIOBackupService displays the current con-
figuration where ServerViewVirtualIOManagerService is
the name of the service.
l If the Virtual-IO Manager is interrupted during a configuration request (for
example, creation of networks in an IBP connection blade or assignment
of a VIOM server profile) while executing configuration commands on
hardware modules, Virtual-IO Manager will undo the changes already
made the next time the service starts. This means that, when the serv-
54 ServerView Virtual-IO Manager