The Objects element contains the following elements:
l UserInfo (optional)
l ServerProfiles Describes the profiles to be imported (see below)
12.3.2 The ServerProfiles element
The ServerProfiles element can have the following optional attributes:
Specifies whether the import will continue if an error occurs. If this attrib-
ute is specified, it overwrites the value from the Objects element. For
individual server profiles, the value in the corresponding ServerProfile
element can be overwritten. Possible values are:
The first error aborts the entire import.
Errors are converted into warnings and the import then continues
with the next object.
Specifies the response if a server profile to be imported already exists.
For individual server profiles, the value in the corresponding Server-
Profile element can be overwritten. Possible values are:
Handled in accordance with the current error behavior (see
An existing server profile is replaced if it is not assigned to a slot.
Otherwise, the procedure is the same as above (see Refuse).
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager 315
12.3 Format of export files