When you need to uninstall existing ServerView Operations Man-
ager and install the new one, you should uninstall existing Virtual-IO
l Save your configuration by using the Configuration Backup /
Restore button on the Virtual-IO Manager tab
l Uninstall Virtual-IO Manager
l Uninstall ServerView Operations Manager
l Install ServerView Operations Manager
l Install Virtual-IO Manager
l Restore your configuration by using the Configuration Backup
/ Restore button on the Virtual-IO Manager tab
3.8 Upgrading or moving the SQL Server database
The ServerView Operations Manager manual (Installation under Windows)
explains what you must be aware of when updating your SQL Server data-
base on the central management station (CMS) or on a remote node.
The following is based on that information. In chapter "Upgrade installations
of SQL Server" two major cases are distinguished:
l Upgrading an SQL Server instance while keeping the instance name
l Moving an SQL Server instance to an instance with a different name
In the former case there there is one thing to add if the Virtual-IO Manager is
running on the central management station. Just make sure that both the Vir-
tual-IO Manager and the Backup Service are stopped before you start upgrad-
ing the SQL Server.
In the latter case you must perform two additional steps (while the VIOM serv-
ices are stopped)
l When you have created the ServerViewDB database in the new
instance, execute a similar command sequence for ViomDB
ON PRIMARY (FILENAME='<data_path>\ViomDB.mdf')
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager 95
3.8 Upgrading or moving the SQL Server database