Intel A31032-001 TV Mount User Manual

C H A P T E R 5 Intel® NetStructure™ 7110/7115 e-Commerce Accelerator User Guide
set more Set the page length of the console display. Default is 300.
Intel 7115> set more <n>
where <n> is the desired number of lines. Valid inputs are 0 (to
disable), or 23 or greater.
nic Allows you to set the network interface card configuration.
Intel 7115> nic
1 - auto
2 - 10baseT, half duplex
3 - 10baseT, full duplex
4 - 100baseTX, half duplex
5 - 100baseTX, full duplex
Select media type [1]:
set prompt Change the prompt from Intel 7115> to the desired prompt.
Intel 7115> set prompt
Prompt [Intel 7115> ]: <Enter>
Intel 7115>
set serial Allows user to set the console port to monitor the CLI or the output
logging, and set the speed, data bits, stop bits, and parity bits. The
aux console port is fixed at 115200, 8, 1, N. This command returns
the user to the “password” prompt after setting the console port.
Intel 7115> set serial
Baud rate (9600/115200) [9600]: <Enter>
Data bits (7/8) [8]: <Enter>
Stop bits (1/2) [1]: <Enter>
Parity (n/e/o) [n]: <Enter>
Set serial parameters [y]: <Enter>
Intel 7115>
Command Description