C H A P T E R 5 Intel® NetStructure™ 7110/7115 e-Commerce Accelerator User Guide
setsnmp snmp Enable or disable the SNMP agent. When enabled, you can set
configure SNMP information and parameters (see setsnmp
snmp_info, below) for the 7115. Default: disable.
Intel 7115> setsnmp <enable|disable>
showsnmp snmp Displays the current status of the SNMP agent: enabled or
Intel 7115> showsnmp snmp
SNMP: Enabled
setsnmp snmp_info Set the following SNMP information and parameters:
• SNMP port (Default: 161)
• SNMP trap port (Default: 162)
• Contact person
• System name
• System location
Intel 7115> setsnmp snmp_info
SNMP port [161]: 161
SNMP trap port [162]: 162
Contact Person []: support
System Name []: 7115
System Location []:San Diego
Command Description