C H A P T E R 5 Intel® NetStructure™ 7110/7115 e-Commerce Accelerator User Guide
set kstrength Set the default key strength. Usable values are 512 or 1024. The
default value is 512.
Intel 7115>
set kstrength <512 | 1024>
where <512> allows you to specify low key strength and
<1024> allows you to specify high key strength.
show kstrength Display the default key strength value.
Intel 7115> show kstrength
Default key strength: 512
set client_tmo Interval that the connection between the client and server can
remain idle (i.e., no data crosses the connection in either
direction) following a client request.
Intel 7115>
set client_tmo <n>
where <n> is a value in seconds between 5 and 36000.
show client_tmo Displays the currently specified client timeout value.
Intel 7115>
show client_tmo
Client timeout is 5 seconds
Intel 7115>
Command Description