C H A P T E R 3 Intel® NetStructure™ 7110/7115 e-Commerce Accelerator User Guide
5. Create mapping for Server 1. Use the create map command to
specify the server IP address, ports, and keyID.
Intel 7115> create map
Server IP (
SSL (network) port [443]: <Enter>
Cleartext (server) port [80]: <Enter>
KeyID to use for mapping: mywebserver
6. Save the configuration when the server has been mapped.
Intel 7115> config save
Saving configuration to flash...
Configuration saved to flash
Intel 7115>
Using an Existing Key/Certificate
Exporting a Key/Certificate from a
This method is used when it is important that the existing keys and
certificates are used.
NOTE: Currently there
is no published method
for extracting private
keys from Microsoft IIS
or Netscape servers.
Consult your server software documentation for detailed instructions
on how to export keys and certificates. Once you have exported the
keys and certificates, use the import key and import cert commands
to paste the keys and certificates into your 7110/7115. Some general
instructions are provided below for the Apache Web Server.
Apache Interface to Open SSL§ (mod_ssl)
For key:
1. Look in $APACHEROOT/conf/httpd.conf for location of *.key
2. Copy and paste the key file.
For certificate:
1. Look in $APACHEROOT/conf/httpd.conf for location of *.crt
file (certificate).
2. Copy and paste the certificate file.