C H A P T E R 7 Intel® NetStructure™ 7110/7115 e-Commerce Accelerator User Guide
NMRL: Message: [CPU|Open connections|CPS]
drop below low water mark
Extended Data
CPU: Indicates that CPU Utilization
triggered the alarm.
CON: Indicates that Total Active Connections
triggered the alarm.
CPS: Indicates that Connections per Second
triggered the alarm.
UTL Alarm CLI commands
To set Utilization Threshold Alarm time window:
set utl_window <seconds> (Range: 5-65000,
default: 15)
To set Utilization Threshold Alarm high-water value:
set utl_high <percentage> (Range: 2-100,
default: 90)
To set Utilization Threshold Alarm low-water value:
set utl_low <percentage> (Range: 1-99,
default: 60)
To display current settings:
show utl_window
show utl_high
show utl_low
Intel 7115> set utl_window 10
Intel 7115> show utl_window
Utilization window set [secs]: 10.
Intel 7115> set utl_highwater 80
Intel 7115> show utl_highwater
Utilization High water mark [%]: 80
Intel 7115> set utl_lowwater 60
Intel 7115> show utl_lowwater
Utilization Low water mark [%]: 60