C H A P T E R 6 Intel® NetStructure™ 7110/7115 e-Commerce Accelerator User Guide
Specifying SNMP Information
Configurable SNMP parameters can be set collectively using the
setsnmp snmp_info command as illustrated below:
Intel 7115> setsnmp snmp_info
SNMP port [161]: 161
SNMP trap port [162]: 162
Contact Person []: support
System Location []:
System Name []: 7115
Current values of SNMP parameters are displayed using the
shownmp snmp_info command:
Intel 7115> showsnmp snmp_info
SNMP port: 161
SNMP trap port: 162
Contact Person: support
System Name: 7115
System IP Address: x.x.x.x
System Netmask: y.y.y.y
Default Route: z.z.z.z
You can also configure SNMP information elements individually
using the following commands:
• setsnmp snmp_port sets the SNMP port
• setsnmp trap_port sets the SNMP trap port
• setsnmp sys_contact sets the contact person
• setsnmp sys_name sets the system name
• setsnmp sys_location sets the system location
Correspondingly, the values set with the above commands are
displayed using the commands:
• showsnmp snmp_port
• showsnmp trap_port
• showsnmp sys_contact
• showsnmp sys_name
• showsnmp sys_location.