Chapter 7 Help & Assistance
Chapter 7 Help & Assistance
The Assistance Menu
The Assistance menu contains the following submenus:
• Interactive Setup
• Antenna Info
• Dish Pointing
• New Access Card
• System Test
• Off-Air Guides
• Upgrades
Each submenu is explained on the following pages.
The interactive setup process allows you to
complete all steps or selectively skip steps.
Interactive Setup
You should have completed the Interactive Setup the first time you plugged in your
TV. However, if you need to access the interactive setup again, you can access it
through the Assistance menu.
1. Make sure the remote is in DIRECTV or TV mode.
2. Press MENU on the remote control (the main menu appears).
3. Select Assistance from the main menu.
4. Select Interactive Setup and follow the on-screen directions.
The steps involved in the interactive setup include:
• Setting the time and date
• Searching for channels
• Setting up speakers
• Selecting an audio processor
• Specifying your satellite dish antenna type and finding coordinates
• Viewing the signal meter and running the system test
Note: If you don’t subscribe to DIRECTV
programming, you can select “Skip
this step” when asked to specify satellite dish antenna type and run the
system test.