Chapter 3 The Remote Control
Chapter 3 The Remote Control
Display Messages (response messages)
BAD E2 The remote probably needs serviced or replaced. This message
indicates that the EEPROM is faulty (the EEPROM is used to store
the programmed codes, the mode of the remote, learned codes,
and macros).
DELETED A requested Learned Sequence was deleted.
END CYCLE The remote is finished checking all of the codes in its code
ERROR Any other error not specifically mentioned.
EXIT SETUP Escape or exit from the programming mode, or time-out.
INVALID A wrong button sequence or invalid data.
MAX=15 Notifies you that you’ve exceeded the maximum number of
button strokes allowed in a Macro Sequence (15).
MEM FAULT A learned button data storage encounters some error in memory.
MEM FULL A learned button data storage encounters memory full.
NOT FOUND A requested setup code not found in the code library.
RESET E2 Indicates the EEPROM reset action has been completed.
RESET RAM Indicates the RAM reset action has been completed.
SUCCESS A required task or operation was successful.
UNLOCKED Message to notify you that the Volume function is unlocked.