Page 30 AD-4402
6.2. Simple Hopper Scale with Recipe Code
Simple Hopper Scale with Recipe CodeSimple Hopper Scale with Recipe Code
Simple Hopper Scale with Recipe Code
The section explains for recipe code (another name: formal function). The recipe
code is used on a simple hopper scale to mix several materials that are preset target
value. "The simple hopper scale" means that does not control the ratio and a weight
of ingredient, but simply accumulates the preset target weight of the material code.
Therefore, the recipe code is a code to accumulate the preset target weight of the
material code.
6.2.1. Definition of Recipe Code (
Definition of Recipe Code (Definition of Recipe Code (
Definition of Recipe Code (Formal
Formal Function)
Function) Function)
A recipe code consists of plural preset material codes.
Maximum ten material codes can be stored in a recipe code.
A recipe code is described in order to accumulate target weight of the material code.
The indicator AD-4402 can store a hundred recipe codes.
The recipe code is necessary to store the details before use.
And the code is called with code number in a weighing.
The recipe code is a code to accumulate the preset target weight of the material code.
If a recipe code is used in the batch weighing (or loss-in weight), you can get a weight
that is accumulated the preset target weight of the material code.
The recipe sequence that is used recipe code calls formula sequence, too.