Configuring Firewall Rules to Control Inbound and Outbound Traffic
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 258
The Rule - Add/Edit window opens.
STEP 3 Enter the following information:
• Enable: Click On to enable the firewall rule, or click Off to create only the
firewall rule.
• From Zone: Choose the source zone for traffic that is covered by this firewall
rule. For example, choose DMZ if traffic is coming from a server on your
• To Zone: Choose the destination zone for traffic that is covered by this
firewall rule. For example, choose WAN if traffic is going to the Internet.
NOTE: Only the existing zones are selectable. To create new zones, go to the
Networking > Zone page. For information on configuring zones, see
Configuring Zones, page146.
• Services: Choose an existing service or service group that is covered by
this firewall rule. If the service or service group that you want is not in the list,
choose Create a new service to create a new service object or choose
Create a new service group to create a new service group object. To
maintain the service and service group objects, go to the Networking >
Service Management page. See Service Management, page177.
• Source Address: Choose an existing address or address group as the
source address or network that is covered by this firewall rule.
• Destination Address: Choose an existing address or address group as the
destination address or network that is covered by this firewall rule.
If the address or address group that you want is not in the list, choose Create
a new address to create a new address object, or choose Create a new
address group to create a new address group object. To maintain the
address and address group objects, go to the Networking > Address
Management page. See Address Management, page175.
• Schedule: By default, the firewall rule is always on. If you want to keep the
firewall rule active at a specific day and time, choose the schedule for the
firewall rule. If the schedule that you want is not in the list, choose Create a
new schedule to create a new schedule. To maintain the schedules, go to the
Device Management > Schedules page. See Configuring Schedules,
page 449.
• Log: Click On to log the event when a firewall rule is hit. For information on
configuring firewall logging settings, see Configuring Firewall Logging
Settings, page 260.