Viewing VPN Status
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 339
NOTE CSTP is a Cisco proprietary protocol for SSL VPN tunneling. “In” represents that the
packet comes from the client. “Out” represents that the packet is sent to the client.
The client is the PC running the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client software
that connects to the security appliance running the SSL VPN server. A CSTP frame
is a packet carrying the CSTP protocol information. There are two major frame
types, control frames and data frames. Control frames implement control functions
within the protocol. Data frames carry the client data, such as the tunneled payload.
In CSTP Bytes Total number of bytes in the CSTP frames received
from the client.
In CSTP Data Number of CSTP data frames received from the client.
In CSTP Control Number of CSTP control frames received from the
Out CSTP Frames Number of CSTP frames sent to the client.
Out CSTP Bytes Total number of bytes in the CSTP frames sent to the
Out CSTP Data Number of CSTP data frames sent to the client.
Out CSTP Control Number of CSTP control frames sent to the client.
Field Description