Chapter 5 - Administrator’s Tasks
2. Define the following parameters:
Table 5-1: MCU Properties
Option Description
Name Type the name of the MCU. Specify a name that
clearly identifies the MCU.
IP Address Type the IP Address of the MCU.
Login Enter the login name that will be used when
connecting to the MCU.
Password Enter the password that will be used when
connecting to the MCU.
In Secure Mode configuration, the password is
hidden by a series of asterisks (****). The password
is automatically encrypted by the OperSrv and is
stored in the database.
ISDN Prefix The first digits of the MCU dial-in numbers that are
added at the beginning of the dial-in number
allocated to the end users by the MCU. The full dial-
in number is allocated by the service provider that
supplies the line. As the call passes through the
PBX, the MCU truncates part of the dial-in number.
This option is applicable to ISDN dial-in calls.
H.323 Prefix Optional. The H.323 Network Service Prefix defined
in the MCU and in the gatekeeper with which the
MCU is registered. This prefix is used for undefined
dial-in H.323 participants and for board-hunting for
H.323 dial-in participants.
First Number Type the first phone number in the range of ISDN
dial in numbers allocated by the MCU. These
numbers are added to the Prefix number to compose
the complete number dialed by participants when
connecting to the MCU. For example if you enter
1000, and the prefix is 97865, the first dial in number
in the range will be 978651000.