Chapter 4 - Options Settings
MCU Redundancy
The Central Server Service is designed to monitor the activity of assigned
pairs of MCUs, so if one MCU in the pair encounters a problem that prevents
it from running conferences, the other MCU will take over smoothly.
In Central Server Service environment, as described in Figure 4-1, MCU A
and MCU B are both registered in the gatekeeper with the same prefix and
they are designated as backup to each other in the WebCommander Central
Server Service.
The Central Server Service monitors both MCUs. When a new on going
conference is created on one MCU (for example, MCU A), the Central Server
Service automatically copies this conference to the second MCU (for
example, MCU B) with the prefix *bck_. In the same way, when new
reservations and Meeting Rooms are created on one MCU they are
automatically copied to the second MCU.
Figure 4-1: Central Server Service Environment
Primary MCU (A)
MCU Prefix in GK - 70
On Going Conference abc
Backup MCU (B)
MCU Prefix in GK - 70
On Going Conference *bck_abc
Conferences list
Meeting Rooms list
Reservations list
MCU A Prefix - 70
MCU B Prefix - 70
Routes the calls from MCU A to MCU B
(central server)