Chapter 2 - MGC Web Server Manager Basics
MCU Statuses
The possible MCU statuses are described in the following table:
Disconnecting from an MCU
To disconnect from an MCU:
1. In the Browser area, click the Server icon to display the list of MCUs
currently defined in the MGC Web Server Manager application.
2. Right-click the MCU icon and then click Disconnect.
The system disconnects the selected MCU and the MCU status that
appears in the Status area changes to Disconnected.
Table 2-2: MCU Status Options
Status Description
Connecting Connection in progress.
Normal The connection is OK and the MCU is in the Normal state.
Start-up The connection is OK and the MCU is starting up.
The MCU is resetting.
Low Memory The system has used up all its memory resource. In such
a case, disconnect all running conferences and reset the
Bad Connection The connection between the MGC Manager and the MCU
is lost due to LAN problems.
A major error occurred, such as a card was removed from
the MCU. Consult the system administrator.
A minor error occurred. Consult the system administrator.